New features in version 2.9.1
Version 2.9.1 is introducing a much needed, user requested feature. You can now set up project defaults for new projects. You have the ability to save specific modules and add them to the default list as well as configuring a few other options.
Project defaults
On the Find Businesses settings, which can now be found in the Find Businesses drop down menu in the header, you can change several defaults for new projects. You can change: Pages to analyze, Collect contact data and Use social search. Additionally, you can create a list of modules that will be added to new projects. In order to get modules added to this list, just go to the project that has the module that you want, click on Edit to launch the module and then in the bottom left corner, click Export module. This will ask you to name the module. Once you name it and save, that module will now be on the list in your settings. At that point, you can check the checkbox that will automatically add it to all new projects that are created. Also, any module that you save will be quickly available to add to any existing projects by clicking the Add module button on any project and selecting Exported modules. This will bring up your list of saved modules for you to add to the project.
It is important to note that these saved modules are a snapshot of the current state of the module and will not be updated across all projects if you make changes to the module in one project. Also, all of these settings are only for new projects and will have no impact on any existing projects.