New features in version 2.7.1
Version 2.7.1 has a major focus on behind the scenes optimizations for a better user experience. Faster page loads and more accurate results are to be expected. We will be introducing one brand new feature in this release: Url manager.
Url manager
The Url manager is a new tool for adding, deleting and editing urls associated with a project. You will be able to edit any url that you have previously tagged in the project as Good, Bad, Mediocre or Needs Feedback by changing the tag or adding notes. There is also a new Bulk add feature for tagging a list of urls. This is useful if you want to influence the statistical models by adding a list of urls that you know to be good (or bad) matches. The Url manager can be accessed by opening the Configuration module and clicking Url manager. When using the Bulk add feature, just paste in the list of urls and choose the tag you would like to be applied to all of them.